Here is what we go shopping for.
Positron Ventures makes bold bets on science: ‘We help and fund Europe-based scientist-entrepreneurs who are pursuing moonshots for (planetary) health’
We appreciate it does not immediately follow from the above what is in our investment scope and what is not.
Therefore we are sharing our dreamed up portfolio of 25 startups that we wish to get involved in over the next few years. It is split up in three buckets: environment, health/wellbeing and enabling technologies (where the latter is an ‘enabler’ towards the former two).
Our five portfolio companies Thorizon, CimCure, PASQAL, Renaissance Fusion and Ore Energy are already there - yet we do not know if the rest of this daydream will play out this way. There likely will be areas where we decide not to invest. And it is not up to us to predict what areas will see breakthroughs in science, so we will likely invest in things we can’t imagine today. Still, we hope this overview creates more clarity on where we aim.
We are keen to hear what you think should be added to this list!