We want more scientists to consider the path of becoming entrepreneurs. Right here we are starting to build a collection of resources for you as a scientist to evaluate that journey. Please check in frequently - we are only just getting started on this. Reach out on scientists@positron.vc for any feedback or questions.
Scientist to Entrepreneur
Our very own Anna-Lena started a blog called Scientist to Entrepreneur. You can sign up here. Her first posts:
Do you need a business co-founder?
Yes, you as a scientist can also be a great entrepreneur.
Behind the scenes of getting to a tech transfer agreement with your university
Office Hours
‘What about my tenure?’ ‘When do I spin out?’ ‘Who do I need in my team’? We run regular office hours for scientists who have entrepreneurial questions. Just sign up and ask us your questions - no strings attached, we love to help.
Our Value Proposition To You
Bringing ‘just-from-the-lab’ technologies to market can be a struggle. As a team of operators and entrepreneurs we feel like we can add the most value when involving ourselves hands-on in helping you to start your company. This is what that could look like:
Scientific startups sometimes lack crucial business skills among the first co-founders. We understand that and either find the missing piece or developing the needed skills.
> 1:1 coaching in your new role as scientist turned CEO
> Helping you understand missing skills & find the right profiles to complete the team (e.g. with our card deck)
> Helping you design the right management team and org. structure going forward
Translating science breakthroughs into a story that customers, partners and future investors can understand is what we love.
> Introducing you to branding agencies to help create first logo, website or pitch deck
> Helping you sharpen your story for the next fundraise
We are there for you to jointly identify what the critical success factors are in the early stages of building your company.
> Joint sessions on your vision, mission and strategy
> Discussions on direction, priorities, technology roadmap, differentiation, IP strategy. Whatever it needs, whatever fits your setup.
We strive to provide you with introductions to those people that will help you move faster.
> Scientific Advisors to help with IP strategy
> Experienced Entrepreneurs as Venture Partners
> Other scientist founders in our portfolio